Wednesday, February 24, 2010

I never returned to blogging after my last post-- so much time has passed. Sue and I are in Abilene, Texas where continue my work as an Advocate for adults living with chronic illnesses, Center, as a part-time volunteer staff pastor at Exodus MCC and managing our most recent investment, the Natural Food Center (

Sue is retired from the public schools and working at the Center, going to Fort Worth to care for her mother, Sissy, two days each week. We still live at the lake and the sunrise and sunset continue to fill my heart each day. Our two pups, Timmy-Dog and Lily, are wonderful companions for us. We live in a migratory path for birds so we've seen thousands of geese, sand hill cranes and Great American white pelicans this year. They pass overhead at sunrise each morning as they progress to feeding grounds and back in the evenings. I love the predictability of their path and hearing their "calls" to one another. Our church continues to thrive with so many babies and young children. Their voices enliven our services and they participate in all parts of the service. They remind me of our future as MCC and always encourage me. Last week I got to do something totally out of my realm of experience---a show called "What's Cooking" on a local tv station. I made Ahi Tuna with Wasabi and Avocado. It was so fun to do. I love learning new things every day--it helps me stay alert to all of the possibilities and, I think, helps me feel young. Soulforce will be with us in Abilene in the second week of March and we will help host the Equality Riders as they visit Abilene Christian and Hardin Simmons. In April, I will be blessed to appear on a panel for Equality Texas at the Capitol talking about Pride and Faith. I appreciate these partners in ministry so much and really value the opportunity to stay current on the issues that face our community. A recent attack in Austin on two gay men has heightened awareness of hate crimes here. My 55th birthday was Monday, February 22 and one of the best parts of the day was hearing from so many MCCers and friends via Facebook. I am so grateful for this way that we can connect. Sue and I have also been blessed to join a book club with five heterosexual couples and one single woman. Each week we feel ourselves opening up to them and visa versa in ways that we could not have envisioned. Spirit is just the best arranger!